Dar-Zen Chen,2019.12,"CTO's patent application strategy: The importance of 1st OA response",CTIMES,338
Dar-Zen Chen,2019.10,"CTO's patent application strategy: Making good use of PPH",CTIMES,336.
Dar-Zen Chen,2019.8,"CTO's patent application strategy: Cost control for applications to multiple countries",CTIMES,334.
Dar-Zen Chen,2019,6,"CTO's patent application strategy: Delaying substanstive examination",CTIMES,332.
Dar-Zen Chen,2019.4,"CTO's patent application strategy: Using U.S. provisional applications"CTIMES,330.
Dar-Zen Chen, 2019.2, "CTO's patent application strategy: In addtion to product roadmap, shouldn't we have patent roadmap?" CTIMES, 328.